Derma SR Stretch Marks
How to achieve significant skin improvement in scars and stretch marks with Dermaneedling.
Jenni Määttä
CEO, Long Lasting Beauty Oy, Finland
Speaker Information:
Jenni Määttä is a founder and general manager of Long Lasting Beauty Oy - a beauty salon and training academy in Helsinki and Tampere, Finland. Jenni has over 20 years of experience in the beauty and health industry, cosmetics and body tattooing.
Jenni has a degree in Cosmetology and her specialty are medical tattoos and treatments in skin problems. Her extensive experience and collaboration with Finnish Universal hospitals in Finland placed her at the forefront of tattooing industry in Scandinavia and worldwide.
Her interest in the raw materials and chemistry of cosmetics led her to study a Bachelor degree of Beauty and Cosmetics, Laurea University of Applied Sciences. The core competencies of the degree include knowledge of cosmetic ingredients, chemistry and the manufacture of pigments and cosmetics. Jenni is a proud member of European Society of tattoo and pigment research. She continuously keeps up to date with the latest research and regulations and most current updates related to industry advances.